His hand is bigger than ours…..

A story is told of a little boy and his father, who visited a shop belonging to the father’s friend and upon leaving the shop, the owner of the shop offered the little boy some free Sweets… “Get a hand full of Sweets”, the merchant said to the boy.

The boy just stood there looking up at his father. The owner repeated himself:- “Son get a hand full of Sweets… it’s free.” Again the boy did not move, continuing to look up in the face of his father.

Finally the father reached into the candy jar and got a hand full of Sweets and gave it to his son. As they walked back home, the father stopped and asked his son why he did not grab a hand full of the free candy. The wise boy with a big smile on his face looked into the face of his father and said:- “Because I know that your HAND is BIGGER than mine.” So, whatever our needs are as we start & journey into the New Year, please place those needs in our FATHER’S HANDS IN HEAVEN, because HIS HAND is BIGGER THAN OURS.


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