Our Projects

Give a Smile Today current  projects:

a. Community Chaplaincy through Smile Chaplains International.

b. Distribution of water filters in partnership with Living Water Filters (Kenya).

c. Chaplaincy through poverty eradication projects:

           i. Fruits trees Project –  Giving fruits seedlings to needy families. The trees will be a source of long term    livelihood (Food and income). Trees being supported include: avocados, macadamia, mangoes, oranges, among others since they have a long lifespan even for future generations. This happens at the onset of long rain seasons.

          ii. One Rabbit/Goat/Cow per home project –In support of needy families in order to become self-reliant and get a source of livelihood.

d.  Evangelism Programs (Training, Mentorship and Outreach).

e. Outreach Programs for security personnel (Military and Police), through the Soldiers Outreach Program.

f. Mentorship & Empowerment to children and the youth:

  • Introduction to Programming using Scratch Programming Language and Safe Computer Use.

g. Free training on self employment skills. This includes weaving of baskets, mats using locally available resources like banana fibers.

h. Empowerment through the promotion of Open Source Software / Programs/Frameworks  to schools and institutions.

This involves training users  to acquire self reliant computer life skills. Open source software include:-

  • Linux Operating System
  • Open Office, etc

Why Opensource?

  • General Public License

Current Solutions being offered using the Open Source Business Solutions:

Free Installation, Integration and customization of Opensource Solutions for Schools, Hospitals, Churches and Organizations. These includes:

i.  Integrated Hospital Management System using Bahmni Framework (www.bahmni.org)

ii. Integrated Library Management System using Koha Framework (www.koha.org)

iii. E-Learning solutions using Moodle Framework (www.moodle.org)

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