
His hand is bigger than ours…..

A story is told of a little boy and his father, who visited a shop belonging to the father's friend and upon leaving the shop, the owner of the shop offered the little boy some free Sweets... “Get a hand full of Sweets", the merchant said to the boy. The boy just stood there looking up at his father. The owner repeated himself:- “Son get a hand full of Sweets... it’s free.” Again the boy did not move, continuing to look up in the face of

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Gouge my eye

In a story, an African man was given the opportunity to ask for anything he wants. The condition was that, whatever he gets, his brother would receive double. He thought about asking for a house; but he did not like thought of his brother having two houses. So he thought about asking for a million dollars to go to his bank account; but again, he was unhappy with the thought of his brother having two million dollars in his account. The man sat down

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Love is strong…….

During World War II (1945), a Japanese boy stood in front of a funeral pyre and waited his turn to cremate his little dead brother. The person who took the photograph said, in an interview, that the boy was biting his lips so hard to keep from crying that blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. It was then that the guard asked him for the body and said, "Give me the load you are carrying on your back." And the boy answered: "He aint heavy,

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Marriage Test….

Looking at the majority of ladies nowadays, I don't know how many would pass the "wife for Isaac test." Rebecca was a virgin, daily went to the well to draw water for her family, was kind, respectful, considerate, welcoming, happy to assist even strangers, lover of animals, able to discern other people's problems and help where she can. Lookin at the majority of men nowadays, I don't know how many would pass the "Jacob love test." Jacob was hardworking,

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Below Average

A woman prayed for spiritual power and anointing. She bought books on how to work in the supernatural and how to flow in the supernatural, including dry fasting (without food and water) and white fasting (with water), but all to no avail. Then one day, she prayed that God should show her the secret of the barriers to why heaven had refused to use her. It was then God opened her eyes and she saw an angel that came to hand a Report Card of how God

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It wasn’t easy……..

When we go to Heaven.... *Moses* will say, it wasn't easy leading a rebellious crowd till 40 continuous years in wildery....!!! *Noah* will say, it wasn't easy to build the ark, while people were mocking at you...!!! *Abraham* will say, it wasn't easy to sacrifice the only son, after getting it even at the age of 100....!!! *Joseph* will say, it wasn't  easy spending years  in jail for no fault...!!! *Daniel* will say, it wasn't easy passing a

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Be Grateful…..

The qualifications that gave you a job are the same qualifications  someone has, but doesn't have a job.......  Be grateful. The prayer God answered for you, is the same prayer others have been saying without success yet.......   Be grateful. The road you use safely on a daily basis is the same road  many others died on....... Be grateful. The place which you worship and God blessed you, is the same place other people worship in but their lives

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Invest the Jesus way.

WHENEVER Jesus Christ did not have urgent need for an answer to his prayers, he prayed for a good long time. BUT when he needed an instant answer like healing a sick person, or raising a dead one or multiplying fish and bread, he prayed a very short (30 seconds) prayer. I call it investing in prayers, just like saving a lot of money when not in pressing need, to use it when in urgent need. Jesus talked more to his father when he was not in need,

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Business vs Salary

If you put BANANAS and MONEY in front of monkeys,they will choose bananas because they don't know that money can buy more bananas. In reality,if you offer jobs and businesses to people,they will choose job because most people don't know  business can bring more money than salaries.

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You shall be witnesses to me…

Jesus said “you shall be witnesses to me…” (Acts 1,8) Normally a witness only speaks and describes what he has seen. Sometimes however a witness is a piece of evidence. Perhaps a man has been cruelly attacked and injured. He appears in court to display himself, the damage and injury. His scars speak for themselves. He himself is a piece of evidence. We believers are not lawyers, attorneys or barristers in court pleading in the defense of Jesus.

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