Many ways of getting to your destination

*✍️Mathematical differences:*

2+5=7.  6+1=7.    3+4=7.    7-0=7

7+0=7.  9-2=7.     8-1=7.    11-4=7

15-8=7 14/2=7.    21/3=7.   70/10=7


*✍️What is my point??*

*✍️My point is that there are so many ways of getting to your final destination.*

*✍️GOD may not take you through the same way He took your mom, dad, friend or colleague.*

*✍️What matters is that He will take you to your destination if you don’t give up.*

*✍️At times, you get there by adding things and people in your life.*

*✍️Other times you will get there by subtracting certain things and people from your life.*

*✍️Other times, you may need the multiplying effect of seed, information and relationships…*

*✍️Other times, division and separation might be inevitable…*

*”Some of these may not be fun”.*

*✍️When 2 was alone it may not have been comfortable until 5 was added.*

*✍️What matters is not the (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division)..*

*✍️Yes, the process may differ. But the destination is still the same..*

*✍️All things will work together for your good and expected end….Don’t give up on the process!*

*✍️You are a tool. Do not reject The Lord when He adds and subtracts things.*

*✍️Do not resist. And in the process learn to let go when He subtracts.*

*✍️Stop crying, lamenting, and drowning in tears of pity and fear of moving on.*

*✍️Every circumstance is building you for the castle The Lord has prepared for you.*

*✍️All things will work together for your good…..Head or tail you will win.*

*✍️Don’t give up on the process. Don’t walk away from the game..*

*✍️The match has already been decided in your favour*..

*✍️Here is my conclusion and answer;*



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