Dear young Christian wife…….

Dear young Christian wife, God desires our devotion to Him in our homes, because that’s where life is most intimately shared.

He calls us to be our husbands’ helper (Genesis 2:8), love our children, submit to our husbands so that His name may not be reviled ( Titus 2:4-5 ESV)

Note, God is not against any Christian wife/mom working outside of the home. In fact, more wives/moms work outside the home today either willingly or circumstantially.

This has not caught God by surprise, it’s not like He did not foresee a century where women will work outside the home. In Acts 16:14, we meet Lydia, she is described as a seller of purple goods ….so yes, she was a businesswoman.

We also meet the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31…in verse 16-18, we see her considering a field and buying it, working vigorously and trading.

The problem comes when a Christian wife/mom seeks to define their role based on worldly standards thus creating the wrong attitude in the way she serves at home.

Homemaking is not only about how excellent you can cook, clean, decor, etc…these are beneficial skills to have but ultimately, biblical homemaking is about our ATTITUDE towards the call to take care of our households.

Biblical homemaking happens when as wives, we make serving at home our top priority regardless of whether we have the blessing of the husbands fully providing or we have to go out to work too in order to supplement the income.

I don’t write as though I’m naive to the reality that some wives (me included) have to work outside of home or run businesses to help make ends meet. However, the word of God is true and remains. How do we then find balance while still carrying the heavy load of working outside the home to add to our family finances? ATTITUDE.

Seek to learn from wives who have gone ahead of you, plead with God to give you the grace and strength, learn new skills that can contribute towards your homemaking.

As Christian wives, our time, efforts & even how we spend our finances should reflect our concern for our homes. Homemaking is such an important job. Like any other job/ministry, it’s not easy, but it’s so worth it.


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