Church of Corinth Part 7

Chapter 15 : Resurrection

v1-15 Christ resurrection and his appearance to disciples and over 500 believers.

v12-58 Resurrection if the dead and the resurrection body.

ORDER of Resurrection:

But now [as things really are] Christ has in fact been raised from the dead, [and He became] the first fruits [that is, the first to be resurrected with an incorruptible, immortal body, foreshadowing the resurrection] of those who have fallen asleep [in death].

1 Cor 15:20 AMP

v21 Death came into the world through a man (Adam), and resurrection through a man (Jesus).

v22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive (will be given new life). 1 Cor 15:22 NIV

v23 Christ was the first fruit from the dead, raised with an incorruptible & glorious body

v29 Pagans were doing ritual washing for entering into the afterlife

v30-32 If there’s no resurrection, what is the point of facing dangers daily? At Ephesus, Paul was attacked like how wild animal attack.

– If there’s no resurrection, then people should just eat and drink for tomorrow they die.

Warning ⚠️: Do not let anyone deceive you. Remember this: ‘If you become a friend of bad people, you also will live in a bad way.’ 1 Corinthians 15:33 EASY

v35 What kind of a body will the dead be raised with?

v36 When a seed is planted, it has to first die before it can grow into a plant. v37 Then God gives it the new body he wants it to have. A different plant grows from each kind of seed. (1 Cor 15:38 NLT)

v39-41 Humans, animals, birds, and fish have all their unique body, and so the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, stars), and their glory is different as well.

v42- 43 When we die, our bodies are planted into the ground in brokenness, weakness, natural bodies but will be raised in glory, strength, and spiritual bodies to live forever.

45-49 Adam and Christ contrasted:

The Scriptures tell us, “The first man, Adam, became a living person.” But the last Adam—that is, Christ—is a life-giving Spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45 NLT

Just as we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like the heavenly man. 1 Corinthians 15:49 NLT

v50 What is dying cannot inherit what will last forever.

v51-53 A wonderful mystery revealed:

– Not all will die, but we will all be transformed

– The transformation will happen like the twinkling of an eye when the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised to live forever. Those living will be transformed to become immortal.

v54-55 When that happens:

What is written in the Bible will become true. It says: ‘God has won against death. He has destroyed it completely!’ ‘Death, you can no longer win! Death, you no longer have any power to hurt us!’

1 Cor 15:54‭-‬55 EASY

Death only has power to hurt us because of our sins. And it is the authority of God’s Law that gives power to sins.

1 Corin 15:56 EASY

For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power.

1 Corin 15:56 NLT


– Hope that life does not end at death.

– We shall be transformed into immortal and so the dead and have have heavenly bodies.

– Hope that one day death will be destroyed and can no longer hurt us.

So you must continue to be STRONG in your spirits, my Christian friends that I love. Do not let anything MOVE you away from your FAITH. Continue to work hard as you serve the Lord. You know that whatever you do for him will not be USELESS. 1 Corin 15:58 EASY


God will give, and gives the BODY…..

The believers in Corinth wondered how the dead will be raised and with what kind of bodies.

1 Corinthians 15:35-58 shows how the resurrected bodies will be like. They will be glories, immortal and spiritual/heavenly bodies at the sound of the trumpet to live forever.

The analogy of a SEED:

v36 A seed cannot GROW until it first DIES, v37 What you put (plant) in the ground is not the PLANT that will GROW, but only a bare SEED of wheat or whatever you are planting. v38 Then God gives it the NEW BODY he wants it to have….. (NLT)


– God gives the SEED the BODY that GROWS and becomes the PLANT.

– You may be like a small seed, planted and dead in the ground. But after the seed dies, new life comes, growth comes and God gives the BODY.

– Believers who have gone ahead, are like a seed that’s planted for a. MOMENT; but at the sound of the TRUMPET 🎺, they will be clothed with immortal and glorious BODIES and live forever with Christ.

– Those alive will too be transformed into spiritual bodies for the mortal bodies cannot inherit the eternal.

– Where will the immortal, glorious and spiritual bodie

s come from? FROM GOD!

(Ref: 1 Cor 15:35-58, John 12:25, Matt 13:31-32)











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