Are you facing Afflictions? Pray!

1 Chronicles 4:9-10 “And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez , saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.”

The name Jabez means pain.

He was a man of honour.

He had a closer walk with God.

He was blessed but in pain.

You may be blessed but in pain.

Jabez understood that his name was imposed on him.

” *Is any among you afflicted? let him pray* …..”(James 5:13)

Jabez prayed against the pain.

Prayer is antidote to pain.

It’s a pain killer.

The word of God cures the pain.

He decided to call on the Lord to change his destiny.

He went directly to the source of all blessing and favour, the Lord himself.

He knew that God could transform his life completely.

He looked to the Lord Himself for the blessing of his life.

” *And Jabez called on the God … Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed* ,……”(1Ch 4:10)

Jabez called on the Lord to shower His blessings upon him .

He wanted God to remove every curse from his life .

He wanted the blessing of God upon his life.

He wanted the favour and the goodness of God upon his life.

He knew that the blessing of God would remove every wretchedness and misery from his life.

Jabez didn’t allow the circumstances surrounding his birth to dictate his life.D

Don’t let your past dictate your destiny.L

Let pain provoke you to make a difference.

You can make a difference, ” *because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world* .”(1Jn 4:4)

Jesus was born in a manger but did not remain in a manger.

Don’t let your past distract you.

Repent of the past anger tormenting you.

Jabez called unto the Lord,”… * And* *God granted him that which he requested* .”(1Chr 4:10)

May the prayer of Jabez be your prayer too.

May God grant you that which you request and may your life and destinies be changed from pitiable condition to prosperous and blessed one.

Jesus loves you.


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