Keep on Praying – Your answer will finally come at God’s appointed time

Luke 1 records a story of a Couple: Zechariah and Elizabeth.

v6 – They were righteous, blameless, very old and they were childless because Elizabeth was barren.

v13 – An angel appears to Zechariah who was burning incense in the temple. The angel (Gabriel) had a message. “YOUR PRAYER HAS BEEN HEARD & ELIZABETH WILL BEAR YOU A SON(JOHN)

From the text, the couple had been praying for a son, who at the God’s appointed time would be a JOY and DELIGHT to them & many people would rejoice with them. A son great in God’s sight, turning many people’s hearts to God v 14-17.

Their prayer was answered after such a long time. Even Zechariah had given up or forgotten about it to an extent now of doubting the angel who had been sent with the good news (v19). Zechariah asked the the angel, “How can I be sure of this? (doubts) I am an old man and my wife is well on in years (Human logic/rationale). He forgot that Nothing is impossible with God/No word of God will ever fail(NIV) v37. (Forgetfulness, though an old priest who had experienced God’s power and promises).

It had been said that Elizabeth could not conceive v36 (Human Opinion).

But at God’s appointed time, she became pregnant v25. He showed her His favour and took away her disgrace among the people v25.

Due to Zechariah’s doubt of the Angel’s message he was unable to speak, until the promise was fulfilled at the appointed time v20. (Without Faith we cannot please God Hebrews 11:6).

Zechariah writes down the boy’s name after his birth (‘His name is John’) on a tablet/stone since he could not speak v 63. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God. v64. He was filled with the Holy spirit and prophesied…. singing a song (Zechariah’s Song v 67-78).

At the appointed time, God shall give you a New Song/testimony which you have never sung/had before.

Keep on praying, though what you are waiting for may seem to delay/linger, wait for it; it will certainly come. The revelation/promise/vision awaits an appointed time. (Habakkuk 2:2-3).

God’s ways are not our ways, his ways no one can fathom/comprehend/understand and He makes everything beautiful at the right time. (Ecclesiastics 3:11) .

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