Biblical Ministries List


Love in Action through Encouragement: Encouragement is about giving hope and consolation especially to those who are discouraged amidst much pressure in life. Encouragers are very few, and everyone is in need of encouragement in some way. It also entails encouraging  into faith in order to finish the race, remain in sound doctrine  and emphasizing on God's promises. What does the Bible say about encouragement: Titus 2:15b –  As a young leader,

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Mercy/Compassion Ministry

Love in Action by showing Mercy: "Mercy" is the "spiritual ability to effectively comfort and or relieve the suffering believer through spiritual and or physical means." We should have a deep heart of compassion toward the suffering which moves us to action to help relieve that suffering. The believer who has the gift of mercy is drawn toward those who are suffering particularly in the physical realm, but also those in general distress.They may be

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Love in Action through Hospitality: Hospitality Ministry refers to the quality of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way; or  love of strangers. It’s a command(Leviticus 19:33-34) and commended as well. Jesus and the 12 depended on hospitality in their ministry(Matthew 10:9-10), and the early church too (Acts 2:44-45, Acts 28:7).  We are reminded not to forget to entertain strangers for by doing so, some

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