
i. Living Water Filters

This is a brilliant idea of a young man, who is making simple improvised water filters. The aim is to provide clean drinking water especially to those in the slums.

ii.  The Bible Project

Give a Smile Today makes use of the Bible project videos when carrying out outreach and mentorship programs. These are simple to follow Bible videos that helps people to understand the Bible messages.

iii. Global Media Outreach  

Working together in making Online Evangelism/Missions possible. Global Media Outreach relies on volunteers.

iii. Naval & Military Bible Society (UK)

In partnership with Naval and Military Bible Society (UK), we are  distributing  Camouflaged Bibles and Military edition booklets to the Kenya Defence Forces, through the soldiers outreach program –

[Click to View]Soldiers Outreach Program Photos

Bibles and Military edition booklets consignment received from Naval Military & Air force Bible Society:

a. Combating Change
b. Moral Compass
c. In touch on Operations
d. Inner Struggles
e. The Camouflaged Bibles – New Testament & Psalms

iv. Christian Books Worldwide

Christian Books worldwide is providing Evangelism books  to Give a Smile Today  library. The books are being used for Bible study and are also being loaned to pastors and to interested persons free of charge.

[Click to View]Christian Books Program Photos

v. Manna Bible Institute

  1. Give a smile today facilitated in the designing of a website for Manna Bible Institute – and an E-leaning

2. Establishment of  diverse courses for community empowerment. This includes:

     a. Solar Energy Installation

     b. Computer classes

     c. Detergents & Cosmetics

     d. Woodwork, Metalwork, and painting

     Among other Artisan/Craft/Certificate & Diploma Technical courses.

 vi. Rowan Self Help Group

In partnership with Rowan Self Help Group, we are offering training on sign language  to community leaders, pastors and health care professionals. This enables them to reach and relate well with those who have hearing challenges.

vii. International Christian Literature Distributors (ICLD)

ICLD has provided a collection of Christian literature for use in evangelism and for establishment of Give a Smile Today library. The library loans books free of charge to pastors, leaders and lay people who want to increase their knowledge.

If you would like to partner with us in Community Chaplaincy & Empowerment, kindly do email us at:



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